Type and Typography, Resources
Complied by Jesse Pearlman Karlsberg
- Scribal Traditions
- Images from Medieval and Renaissance Manuscripts (Rare Book and Manuscript Library, Columbia University)
- Ancient Greek Incscriptions (Imaging Projects, Oxford University)
- Renaissance Dante in Print (1472-1629) (Notre Dame University)
- Incunabula and Early Western Printing
- Incunabula, Dawn of Western Printing (NDL Museum, Japan)
- The Digital Gutenberg Project (Gutenberg Bible online, Harry Ransom Center, University of Texas at Austin)
- Hypnerotomachia Poliphili (Book printed by Aldus Manutius, MIT)
- Botanicus Digital Library (Historic botanical literature going back to the Rennaisance from the Missouri Botanical Garden Library)
- Twenthieth Century Printing
- The Italian Futurist Book
- Bauhaus Typography Workshop
- Hermann Zapf (Prominent type designer, in German)
- Jim Parkinson (Excellent nameplate designer, specializes in contemporary blackletter fonts)
- Type Web Sites
- Typophile
- Typographica
- Twenty Faces (Excellent guide to 20 roman type faces)
- Articles
- History of Western Typography (Wikipedia)
- The Elements of Typographic Style Applied to the Web
(An in-progress guide to web typography)
- Typography in the Visual Poem
- Core fonts for the web (Wikipedia)
- A Great Book on Typography
- Elements of Typographic Style by Robert Bringhurst
- Type Books (Reviews of books on typography)
- Foundries
- List of foundries (from MyFonts.com)
- Linotype
- Monotype
- Adobe
- International Type Corporation – ITC
- FontShop
- Berthold
- P22